Although rejected 2 factions and 5 professional organizations, the DPR targets to complete the Health Bill in mid -July

Although rejected 2 factions and 5 professional organizations, the DPR targets to complete the Health Bill in mid -July

Chairwoman of DPR targets Health Law approval in July

The Chairwoman of the People’s Consultative Assembly (DPR), Puan Maharani, stated that the Health Law deliberation is being reviewed. Maharani targets the approval of the Health Law in this session. The fifth period of 2022-2023 ends on July 13th, giving lawmakers limited time to approve the law.

Fractious deliberations

The Health Law has received mixed reviews as seven out of nine parliamentary factions agree to continue the deliberation of the law. However, the Democrat and PKS factions disagree with it becoming law. Furthermore, a number of health profession organizations including the Indonesian Medical Association (IDI), the Indonesian Dental Association (PDGI), the National Indonesian Nurses Association (PPNII), the Indonesian Midwives Association (IBI), and the Indonesian Apothecary Association (IAI), have voiced their opposition to the law, stating it could create legal uncertainty among professional organizations.

Puan remains optimistic

Despite the opposition, Maharani is optimistic about the potential approval of the law, calling for continued scrutiny. The law, she believes, will benefit the public’s health. She has expressed gratitude to the members of the DPR’s Commission IX along with the government, for reaching an agreement on the Health Law’s first-level deliberation.

Acknowledging potential drawbacks

While support for the Health Law is not unanimous, legislators are also aware of its potential drawbacks. They are calling for the law to carefully consider public health needs, while also protecting the rights of health professionals and their organizations.

Awaiting the law’s fate

As lawmakers prepare to enter into a short recess following the end of the fifth session, all eyes will be on the DPR’s next session where the fate of the Health Law will be decided. While controversy surrounding the law exists, all parties continue to work towards an agreeable outcome.

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